2022 Rose Delivery to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Feb 20, 2022 / Written by: Anne Drake & Lora Lucas-Bailie

With Our Lady’s Grace, we did it again!

In honor of the Feast of Saints Jacinta and Francisco of Fatima, on February 20th, we travelled to Mexico City to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe on your behalf. Despite all the difficult circumstances due to COVID and personal challenges, we were determined to make this sublimely fragrant delivery to Our Lady.

15,120 beautifully arranged roses were presented to Our Lady of Guadalupe before her miraculous image at her Shrine in Mexico City. These roses were sent by thousands of mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, sons and daughters, as a tribute to Our heavenly Mother and Patroness of the Americas. This effort focuses specifically on offering reparation for the sin of abortion and the blood bath caused by the murder of millions of unborn children each year since the iniquitous Roe v. Wade decision of 1973.

Banner and Roses

“I will hear their weeping…”

In opposition to this crime and to make reparation for this sin “that cries out to heaven for vengeance,” a massive array of roses was sent by America Needs Fatima friends and supporters. This floral tribute symbolizes their immense love of God, their profound devotion to the Virgin Mary and their ardent commitment to protect the unborn.

Intentions to Mexico

Tens of thousands of personal intentions, concerns and petitions were also presented to the Virgin of Guadalupe. Presenting intentions in this place made sacred by the Mother of God, has special significance. In 1531, Our Lady herself told San Juan Diego “I am truly a merciful mother…. Here I will hear their weeping, their complaints and heal all their sorrows, hardships and sufferings.”

49 Votive Candles

Forty-nine Votive candles were lit at the Shrine, one for each year since the tragic decision of Roe v. Wade. May these offerings and prayers rise up to God Almighty, through the maternal heart of the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe, Protectress of the Unborn, as a fervent and confident plea for the immediate end to this modern massacre of the innocent.

As a special token of affection 3,478 red roses were dispersed throughout the arrangements that were devoutly placed at the feet of Our Lady. These red roses were a special offering in honor of St. Valentine’s Day to the Valentine beyond compare, in appreciation for her maternal love and protection.

Meet the Team

Delivering 15,120 roses is no small feat! We would like to take this opportunity to thank the team of Marian devotees in Mexico City for their hard work that makes all of this possible.

Dozens of members of a family of florists, now spanning five generations, worked tirelessly for five full days to prepare all the roses and necessary materials needed and to create the 126 stunning floral arrangements that you see above! (Dona Ara, the Grandmother, has been making floral arrangements specifically for Our Lady of Guadalupe since she was 10 years old).

Meet the team - florists and workers in Mexico
Dona Ara and her family of 3 generations (shown above) worked tirelessly for five days to prepare all the rose arrangements to present to Our Lady of Guadalupe for the unborn and for all your intentions.

Preparation of the Roses:

Carrying the rose arrangements:

Each completed arrangement (which weighs approximately 35 to 40 pounds) was carried on the day, from the florists workshop located outside of the Shrine, into the main square in front of the basilica. Then each arrangement had to be carried again into the basilica to be presented to La Virgen de Guadalupe.

A Note of Sadness

As you know, dear reader, nothing in life happens without a driving force. The driving force behind this campaign of roses of reparation to Our Lady of Guadalupe was our great friend and recently deceased Mr. Antonio Fragelli. Here we would like to pay tribute to his profound faith, his fervent devotion to Mary and his unceasing efforts to do good for souls.

Antonio Fragelli
Antonio Fragelli at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in 2021

We renew our commitment to continue this campaign to give glory to God, to praise Our Mother and Our Queen, and to make reparation for the abominable sin of abortion.

Antonio, you will always be missed and at the same time you will always be remembered at the feet of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We thank you for initiating this magnificent project that certainly brings a smile to the holy lips of the Blessed Virgin and joy to the heart of every child of Mary.

We raise our eyes heavenward…

May Our Lady of Guadalupe pray to her Divine Son for us and for America. May she intercede for us, that we may see within our lifetime a return to His law, so that every human being will be given the chance to know, love and serve their Maker on this earth and be with Him for all eternity.

Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe

And we would be remiss in our duty if we did not let you know that the team is primed and prepped for next year! If you would like to be one of the first to reserve your rose and place your intentions at the top of the list for 2023, click here now!