Public Faith in the City
Oct 15, 2012 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
On October 13, 2012, the voices of roughly 300 people united in prayer and pierced the noises of NYC traffic and rose above it, conquering the busy sounds of 5th Avenue with the tattoo of a drum and the song of a bagpipe. The words on the stark white America Needs Fatima banners practically jumped off the canvas: “Praying the Rosary for America,” they read, “Please join us!” The red standards of the TFP waved high above the crowd, visible from blocks away.
Just one of the 9,077 Public Square Rosary Rallies held across the globe that day, we started our Rally at 12:00 noon and prayed for many intentions throughout the hour. A large statue of Our Lady of Fatima, mounted on a flowered adorned float and carried on the shoulders of TFP volunteers, watched over us as we sang Marian hymns and recited decade after decade of the Holy Rosary for intentions that included conversion throughout the world, God’s guidance for our country, and the end of the socialism among many others.
Hundreds of people stopped to take pictures and videos, astonished at our public display of faith in the city. “Our Lady of Fatima!” and “Praying for America” could be heard in different languages as people blessed themselves as they walked by, reading our signs and banners and listening to our voices raised in song and prayer. Many people paused to stand in the cold wind and pray with us: some prayed just one decade, while others stayed until the end and joined us in the final procession.
Long after the hour of prayer was over, Our Lady’s smile remained on all those present at the rally that day. We distributed the flowers from Our Lady’s float to those who had joined us: a small token in remembrance of the day they publicly reaffirmed their faith.