2021 Roses of Reparation

Feb 25, 2021 / Written by: Antonio Fragelli

2021 Rose Delivery to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe holds a special place in Catholic American hearts and the proof lies in these pictures.

With eyes fixed on the Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas and the Unborn, thousands of her faithful children sent a rose and their intentions to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, as a token of their love and reparation.

My colleagues and I traveled to Mexico City in honor of the Feast of Saints Jacinta and Francisco of Fatima, on February 20th. Despite difficult circumstances due to COVID and bad weather, we were determined to make this sublimely fragrant delivery to Our Lady.

Between the months of January and February, America Needs Fatima promoted a campaign of reparation for the millions of deaths through abortion which take place in our country every year. The tremendous sin of abortion is perhaps the greatest stain on the American nation. Indeed, it is one that “cries to heaven for vengeance,” and it has been since the iniquitous Roe v. Wade decision in 1973.

To counter the sin of abortion, millions of Americans annually demonstrate rejection through an array of pro-life marches, vigils in front of abortion clinics, sidewalk counseling, in literature, prayer, legal efforts and much more. A very important aspect of this rejection is reparation to the Divine Justice, the Owner and Creator of those millions of children made to His image and likeness, who were destroyed by their own mothers.

When Our Lady appeared in Fatima, one of her very specific requests for the world was to practice the Five First Saturdays Devotion, in order to make urgent reparation for blasphemies and attacks on the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is pierced by thorns.

Where on one side there is immense sin, immense indifference and immense hatred, there is on the other side light and life. This side couples an immense love of God with the obligation to repair unspeakable damage done to millions of innocent human beings, whose vocation in this life has been interrupted by sheer human selfishness and barbarism.

And so with the help of good friends in Mexico City, we presented to the Patroness of the Unborn a breathtaking offering of 18,278 beautifully arranged multicolored roses, together with thousands of personal intentions and petitions from friends and members of America Needs Fatima.

Roses in Mexico - February 2021

48 votive candles were lit, one for each year since the passing of Roe v. Wade decision. May these offerings and prayers rise up to the Divine Throne as a confident plea for the urgent end to the twenty-first century massacre of the innocent.

48 Votive Candle Lit

May Our Lady of Guadalupe pray to her Divine Son for us and for America. And may she intercede for us, that we may see within our lifetime a return to His law, so that every human being will be given the chance to know, love and serve their Maker on this earth and be with Him for all eternity.

Red Roses to Our Lady for Valentines

In honor of Saint Valentine’s Day, a total of 2,557 red roses were reverently placed at the feet of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas and of the Unborn, at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. The roses, offered by friends and members of America Needs Fatima, were a tender token of appreciation for Our Lady’s maternal love and protection.

Roses in Mexico - February 2021