Our Blessed Mother Mary, The Holy Rosary
Not letting the gusts of wind and driving rain deter them, our determined team set down huge containers full of roses and held up the banners containing 12,629 names of all the 2014 Rosary Rally Captains.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, The Holy Rosary, Society & Culture, Defending the Faith
America Prays the Rosary: Over 12,000 Public Square Rosary Rallies across the United States.
A Custodian delivers blessed candles, banner to Fatima on May 13, 2014 feast day of Our Lady of Fatima.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, The Holy Rosary, Defending the Faith
Red and white roses delivered to Fatima, Portugal in 2013.
October 2015 Rosary Rally Report - In a World Torn by Sin and Abortion, 14,000 Rosary Rallies give hope!
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