What one Mother did to stop evil
Jun 03, 2010 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
Evil only advances when the silent majority sits by and does nothing
In October 2010, a mother from Lyons, New York, was driving by the local VFW and saw a sign advertising for a "drag queen" to perform there. She decided to pray a St. Michael prayer in reparation every time she passed that same location.
A few months later, she saw a different sign for "male strippers!" at the same VFW. This was even more shocking than the previous sign advertising for a drag queen. “This is too much,” the mother from Lyons thought.
Then and there she decided it was time to join action to her prayers. She got out her laptop and went to work.
Our Lady gave her all the right words and she wrote out and sent a complaint directly to the District Commander of the VFW. She also sent an email message to all of her family and friends in at America Needs Fatima asking them to do likewise.
Many of her friends were quick to join the fight. They wrote and complained about the obscene event to the District Commander of the VFW, Mr. Vanderpool.
Mr. Vanderpool responded immediately to our good mother in Lyons, and to the others who had complained as well. He apologized for the unfortunate situation and assured all involved that this was not an event that the VFW would knowingly promote.
Mr. Vanderpool then visited the local VFW post in that town and closed down the obscene "male stripper" event and the entire situation was happily resolved in a matter of a few days!
This story is a good example of how one person can stop evil. All it takes is some outrage and a little courage and God and Our Lady will do the rest.