Saints & Heroes
August 10: St. Lawrence, deacon of the Roman Church, was martyred during the persecution of Emperor Valerian in 258.
August 11: Saint Clare performed numerous miracles during her life, and her confidence in Our Lord was total and absolute.
August 13: Pontian, who previously reigned as Pope, and Hippolytus, a former schismatic who renounced his error during persecution, were martyred together in the prison mines of Sardinia.
August 16: Saint Stephen, a pagan prince who converted to the True Faith, is the first king and founder of the Christian Kingdom of Hungary.
August 17: During Saint Beatriz's imprisonment, Our Lady, attired in the blue and white habit of the Conceptionist Order, appeared to Beatriz and instructed her to found an order in Her honor.
August 18: Everywhere she went, Helena Augusta visited churches with pious zeal and enriched them by her benevolence. Her generosity embraced not only individuals but entire communities. The poor and destitute were the special objects of her charity.
August 19: Saint John Eudes was born to devout parents who consecrated him to the Holy Virgin. He grew up to be an eloquent preacher and a holy priest.
August 21: With the laser-like quality of a saint, Pope Saint Pius X condemned and combated the wiles of the modernist heresy.
August 24: Bartholomew is commonly identified with Nathaniel, whose approach Our Lord greeted with the exclamation: “Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile.”
August 25: Saint Louis IX of France, crusader king, fearless warrior, morally outstanding monarch, stalwart in masculine virtue, and a heroic saint.
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