
ANF Crusade Magazine Nov/Dec 2023

INSIDE: True Devotion: A Trilogy • The Alphabet of Gratitude • The Harpist in Orlando’s Airport • Why Do Liberals Rage When Children’s Innocence Is Defended? • Seven Sublime Ways to Make Christmas Merry Again

ANF Crusade Magazine Sep/Oct 2023

INSIDE: Celebrating Half a Century of the American TFP’s Fight for Christian Civilization • Fighting Communism for Half a Century • 5 Decades of TFP Caravans

ANF Crusade Magazine Jul/Aug 2023

INSIDE: Bruised for Our Sins: The Holy Face Devotion and the Call to be Modern-Day Veronicas • Girls Vs Boys, Part II • Only the Pursuit of Wisdom Can Overcome the Triumph of Nihilism

ANF Crusade Magazine May/Jun 2023

INSIDE: Hope for a Hopeless World • Refuting the Arguments That Promote Drag Queen Story Hours • Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Is So Crucial for Our Days • Girls Versus Boys, Part 1

ANF Crusade Magazine Mar/Apr 2023

INSIDE: How to Prepare for a Happy Marriage • The Golden Key to Paradise • Are You Spiritually Prepared for Nuclear War? • Moving Forward to the Next Phase in the Pro-Life Crusade

ANF Crusade Magazine Jan/Feb 2023

INSIDE: Fantasy or Sacred Duty? • It’s Time for Americans to Pray on the Fifty-Yard Line • The Myths, the Legends, and the Whole Truth about TFP Caravans

ANF Crusade Magazine Nov/Dec 2022

INSIDE: Five Crucial Lessons from the Uproar over Roe v. Wade • How the Immaculate Conception Can Help Us Understand the Crisis in the Church • Stopping for Christmas

ANF Crusade Magazine Sep/Oct 2022

INSIDE: It's Time for Grace at Meals • The WHATEVER Mentality Religion • Eucharistic Miracle in Seefeld, Austria • Tradition: How It Keeps Us Alive and Well

ANF Crusade Magazine Jul/Aug 2022

INSIDE: 50 Years Ago…Our Lady Wept in New Orleans • Defending Innocent Children from Drag Queen Story Hour • In Memoriam • Hope for Ukraine

ANF Crusade Magazine May/Jun 2022

INSIDE: Saint Anthony of Padua: Apostle, Miracle Worker and Hammer of Heretics • Do Your Children Belong to the State? • Clothed in Light

ANF Crusade Magazine Mar/Apr 2022

INSIDE: Etiquette and Ceremonial: Why? • Lenten Meditation on an Unconventional Ash Wednesday • Antonio Fragelli: a Catholic Who “Ran the Race and Fought the Good Fight”

ANF Crusade Magazine Jan/Feb 2022

INSIDE: The Fiery Sword of the Prophet Elias • Evaluating the Spectacular Impact of the Religious Right • The Very Special Mission of Saint Bernadette, Seer of Lourdes

ANF Crusade Magazine Nov/Dec 2021

INSIDE: Why Do We Blame Society for Bad Personal Choices? • Our Lady’s Thoughts on Christmas Day • Gnosticism: the Force Behind the Chaos

ANF Crusade Magazine Sep/Oct 2021

INSIDE: The Christian Institution of the Family: A Dynamic Force to Regenerate Society • The Immaculate Heart of Mary - Core of the Fatima Message • The Family Is the Only Thing Missing in Biden's "American Families Plan

ANF Crusade Magazine Nov/Dec 2018

INSIDE: Our Lady of Las Lajas: “Guadalupe” in Stone • Supernatural Love Rightly Understood • Our Lord Always Watches Over His Church • Who Was the Real Santa Claus? • The Legend of the Christmas Tree

ANF Crusade Magazine Jul/Aug 2018

INSIDE: Saint Charbel: The Wonder Worker of Lebanon • Baby Boomer Gives Gun Protesters Something to Think About • How to Write a Pro-Life Letter to the Editor

ANF Crusade Magazine Jan/Feb 2018

INSIDE: The Civilization of the Lie and Its Rejection of Truth • A Catholic Teenager’s Guide to Modesty • How Medieval Antibiotics Can Offer Effective Medical Solutions

ANF Crusade Magazine Jul/Aug 2016

INSIDE: America’s Fatima Future: How a Return to Order Can Make It Happen • What It Means for America to Be Great Again •Playing Games with Our Wars and War with Our Games

ANF Crusade Magazine May/Jun 2016

INSIDE: Male and Female He Created Them • Parents Must Answer to God for Their Children • The Other Gun Culture That No One Dares Mention • Hail, Mother of Hope

ANF Crusade Magazine Jan/Feb 2016

INSIDE: San Miguel del Milagro: The Apparition of Saint Michael in Mexico • Training Children in Generosity • Protesting Lucifer, the Eternal Loser • Same-Sex “Marriage” Is Still Wrong • The Catholic Password

ANF Crusade Magazine Sep/Oct 2015

INSIDE: Saint John Bosco: Apostle of Youth • Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: A Life of Loyalty to Mary • Do You Want to Be a Catholic Hero? • Saint John Bosco: Overcoming All Obstacles

ANF Crusade Magazine Jan/Feb 2015

INSIDE: The Battle of New Orleans and Our Lady of Prompt Succor, 1815-2015 • Education in the Supernatural • October Traditional Marriage Caravan • Heroes or Stars?

ANF Crusade Magazine Nov/Dec 2014

INSIDE: Spiritual Warfare in the Heartland: Protesting the Satanic Black Mass in Oklahoma • What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration? • Training the Adolescent • The World in Crisis

ANF Crusade Magazine May/Jun 2014

INSIDE: Medal of Many Graces and The Conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne • One Hundred Percent Catholic • In Search of a Calling • Dispelling Myths About the Crusades

ANF Crusade Magazine Jul/Aug 2013

INSIDE: 40 Years The American TFP • Campaign in Defense of the American Flag • Public Square Rosary Rallies • St. Joseph Caravans: Defending Traditional Marriage • Campaign for the Freedom of Lithuania

ANF Crusade Magazine May/Jun 2013

INSIDE: Saint John Ogilvie: Hero for Our Times • The Marvelous World of Our Lady’s Flowers • America Needs Fatima’s Goal for 2013 • Sheep Defending Sheep • Preserve Your Marriage and Your Children

ANF Crusade Magazine Mar/Apr 2013

INSIDE: Organic Christian Order: The Solution for America's Socio-Economic Crisis • A “Way of the Cross” Society • A Brutal Pace of Life: The Fruit of Intemperance • America Is Worth Fighting For

ANF Crusade Magazine Nov/Dec 2012

INSIDE: Saint Maximilian Kolbe: The Immaculata’s Perfect Knight • Playing Games with Our Wars and War with Our Games • “Wake Up, America!” • The Truth About DADT • Seeking the Joy of Christmas

ANF Crusade Magazine Sep/Oct 2012

INSIDE: The Catholic Spirit of Christopher Columbus • The Decision for Socialization of Medicine • Chivalry: Alive and Well • The Power of a Picture • The Shame of Women in Combat

ANF Crusade Magazine Sep/Oct 2011

INSIDE: Divine Mercy and Divine Justice • How to be Pro-Life • 10 Rules to Being Happy Parents • True Role Models and Real Adventure • Creation Debunks Evolution at TFP Bureau

ANF Crusade Magazine May/Jun 2011

INSIDE: Our Lady of Good Success: The Amazing Story • The Right Kind of Love • Exposing Planned Parenthood • The Rosary of the Dawn: Ecuador’s Homage to the Queen of Heaven

ANF Crusade Magazine Nov/Dec 2010

INSIDE: The Flight of Happiness and the Disregard for the Soul’s Needs • America Says No to the 9/11 Mosque • Homosexual “Marriage”: Who Sounded the Retreat? • The Last Angel

ANF Crusade Magazine Jul/Aug 2010

INSIDE: Gabriel Garcia Moreno— Faith, Order and Progress • Global Warming Advocates Can’t Take the Heat • Our Lady of Las Lajas: A Continuous Miracle • The Hummingbird

ANF Crusade Magazine May/Jun 2010

INSIDE: Socialism: The Errors of Russia as Predicted by Our Lady of Fatima • Our Lady Offers “Good Success” in Quito • Our Lady of Deliverance, Empress of China

ANF Crusade Magazine Jan/Feb 2010

INSIDE: An American Knight: The Life of Colonel John W. Ripley, USMC • The Allure of Lourdes • Eusebio Francisco Kino, S.J.— The Apostle of Arizona • A Call to Gratitude: Who Will Thank Our Heroes?

ANF Crusade Magazine May/Jun 2009

INSIDE: Anti-Catholic Bill Stalls as Faithful React • Students Question Darwinian Evolution on Campus • Who Was the First U.S. Martyr? • A Review of Unlocking the Mystery of Life

ANF Crusade Magazine May/Jun 2008

INSIDE: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Our Powerful Advocate in Heaven • Why Pray to Mary? • Understanding the Power of Music • Remembering Cuba’s Victims of Communism

ANF Crusade Magazine Mar/Apr 2008

INSIDE: A Medieval Castle In America • Gratitude: The Memory of the Heart • Proudly Rejecting Abortion in the Public Square • Two Styles, Two Ways of Being

ANF Crusade Magazine Sep/Oct 2007

INSIDE: The Centennial of the Encyclical Pascendi Against the Modernists • No Happy Ending for Abortion • Clash of Cultures: Subjugation of the Aztecs

ANF Crusade Magazine Mar/Apr 2007

INSIDE: Is There Room in Today's World For the Fatima Message? • Why Do We Need Natural Moral Law? • Devotion to the Heart of Mary Will Save the World

ANF Crusade Magazine Jan/Feb 2007

INSIDE: How Our Surroundings Form and Deform Human Soul • Slipping Down the Dark Road of Embryonic Stem-Cell Research • Why Did Johnny Quit Church?

ANF Crusade Magazine Sep/Oct 2006

INSIDE: Catholic, Crusader, Leper and King: The Life of Baldwin IV and the Triumph of the Cross • Dispelling Myths About the Crusades • “Gospel” of Judas: The Great New Fraud

ANF Crusade Magazine May/Jun 2006

INSIDE: Education and Manners: Is There a Connection? • 'Medieval Paternalism’ vs. Progressivist Neo-Slavery • Sacredness Calls for Beauty

ANF Crusade Magazine Sep/Oct 2005

INSIDE: Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: A Great Connoisseur of the American Soul • Old Age: Decrepitude or Glory? • Embryonic Stem-Cell Delirium • Popes, Saints and the Decrees of Trent

ANF Crusade Magazine Jul/Aug 2005

INSIDE: Our Lady of Las Lajas: A Continuous Miracle • On the Road with TFP Student Action • The Devil’s False Promise of Happiness • A Sacrilege and a Eucharistic Miracle

ANF Crusade Magazine Mar/Apr 2005

INSIDE: Heaven, The Hope for Our Souls • Reflections on the Resurrection • Nature’s Evidence of the Real Presence • Why Family Devotions Are Needed

ANF Crusade Magazine Sep/Oct 2004

INSIDE: The Triumph of Fatima—Foreseen Nearly Five Centuries Before the Apparitions of 1917 • Saint Gianna Beretta Molla: Wife, mother and physician • The Jesuits and the Catholic Reformation

ANF Crusade Magazine Mar/Apr 2004

INSIDE: Making Abortion Unthinkable • Doing It God’s Way • A Marriage Made in Heaven • Gospel Truth: Major Media Dig Up Old Errors to Shine Anew

ANF Crusade Magazine Jan/Feb 2004

INSIDE: Fatima Home Visits: Bringing Light and hope to countless souls across America • Day by Day: The Life of a Fatima Custodian • Cell Phones and Civilization

ANF Crusade Magazine Sep/Oct 2003

INSIDE: Are We Still "One Nation Under God?" • Tolerance v. Progress • Celebrating Victory in Chicago • The Spirit of Chivalry Lives On • Why Must I Suffer?

ANF Crusade Magazine May/Jun 2003

INSIDE: A Sacred Trust Threatened • Luther’s Legacy of Disunity • Protest against play portraying Our Lady as a lesbian • The Universal Mediatrix • Love Is Not Tolerance

ANF Crusade Magazine Jul/Aug 2002

INSIDE: Mary, The Ark of the New Covenant • Prophecies for our Times • Current Church Crisis in Perspective • A Visit to Fatima

ANF Crusade Magazine Nov/Dec 2001

INSIDE: The Year in Review • Modesty: the Virtue That Protects Chastity • The Crusades — Heroism in Defense of the Faith

ANF Crusade Magazine Sep/Oct 2001

INSIDE: Joan of Arc in Real Life • Attack on America • Catholic Apologetics • The Grunt Padre • Reviving the Anti-Communist Spirit of America

ANF Crusade Magazine Jul/Aug 2001

INSIDE: Harry Potter and the Innocence of Our Children • When Human Life Becomes a Commodity • Considerations on Catholic Culture

ANF Crusade Magazine May/Jun 2001

INSIDE: The Cult of Ugliness in America • The Primacy of Peter • Apologetics on Air • Reflections on a Cold Beer. . . And More!

ANF Crusade Magazine Mar/Apr 2001

INSIDE: A Spectacle of Charity • Facing the Military Threat • The Angelus • Miracle at Rue de Bac • Innocence Versus the Culture of Monsters

ANF Crusade Magazine Jan/Feb 2001

INSIDE: The Crusade for the Twenty-First Century • A Day in the Life of Our Lady's Custodians • The Amazing Amazon: Myths and Realities • Moving God, Moving History

ANF Crusade Magazine Jul/Aug 2000

INSIDE: The Heroic Virtues of Jacinta and Francisco • Finally, the Third Secret Is to Be Revealed • Communist China Emerges as an Increasingly Pernicious Danger • The Sheer Joy of Causing Joy

ANF Crusade Magazine May/Jun 2000

INSIDE: Fredric Baraga, The Snowshoe Priest • Pius XII: Hitler's Pope? • Where is Elian's Journey Leading Us? • Beyond the Digital Divide

ANF Crusade Magazine Mar/Apr 2000

INSIDE: Anti-Dogma Campaign Update • Is it reasonable to believe in the Divinity of Jesus Christ? • Gone with the Wind?

ANF Crusade Magazine Jan/Feb 2000

INSIDE: A Look Into the Afterlife • A Personal look at Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira • The Experience Economy • Why Celibacy? • The Unity of Christians

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