Our Blessed Mother Mary, Saints & Heroes, Living the Christian Life
The young men began to boast of some foolish love affairs. Not to be outdone by his peers, a noble youth named Thomas declared that he, too, loved a great lady.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, The Holy Rosary, Living the Christian Life
One day while she was repeating the Rosary, and praying to Mother Mary to assist her in this persecution, she saw a letter fall from above.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, Living the Christian Life
From his sick bed, Ansaldo implored the Mother of God to heal him and restore his health to him, in exchange he would visit a sacred image of her every year.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, Educational, Saints & Heroes, Living the Christian Life
In the mountainous region of Trent in Germany, there lived a notorious robber who made his living by bringing misfortune on others.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, Educational, Miracles, Living the Christian Life
In the dead silence that ensued, all present heard a voice coming from the statue..."I Swear."
The Holy Rosary, Saints & Heroes, Living the Christian Life
Saint Louis de Montfort tells the story of a young girl of noble station named Alexandra who miraculously converted.
Family, Living the Christian Life
Little Paul, who is only four-and-a-half-years old, is kneeling beside his bed saying his night prayers; they seem to be very long.
Educational, Saints & Heroes, Living the Christian Life
One day a lady presented herself to Saint Philip Neri and confessed of being given to slander. “Do you frequently fall into this fault?” inquired the Saint.
Educational, Family, Living the Christian Life, Our Catholic Faith
Now, will you tell us about God being a pure spirit? What is a spirit, anyway?
Saints & Heroes, Family, Living the Christian Life, Our Catholic Faith
This story confirms how powerful Saint Joseph is to help us in our material needs. So, let’s ask, and ask, and not just for our material needs either.
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