The Holy Rosary, Society & Culture, Our Catholic Faith
In 1946, Fr. Pavlicek, after making a pilgrimage the principle Marian shrine in Austria, was told by an interior voice: “Do as I say and there will be peace.”
Our Lord Jesus Christ, Educational, Our Catholic Faith
One Christmas Eve, a woman sitting by her fire reading her Bible, trying to make sense of why Our Lord became Man, was taught a lesson by a flock of geese.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Mother Mary, Our Catholic Faith
A mysterious star had appeared, shepherds spoke of an angel in the night, and of a royal babe in a manger, kings from the East.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, Educational, Saints & Heroes, Our Catholic Faith
There are those who imagine they are slighting the Son by honoring the Mother. They fear that by exalting Mary they are belittling Jesus.
Educational, Family, Living the Christian Life, Our Catholic Faith
Now, will you tell us about God being a pure spirit? What is a spirit, anyway?
Society & Culture, Educational, Saints & Heroes, Our Catholic Faith
“Send for the priest!” exclaimed the dying soldier; “The religion that teaches such a charity must be from God.”
One day, when Saint Mechtilde was praying and trying to think of some way in which she could express her love of the Blessed Mother.
Saints & Heroes, Family, Living the Christian Life, Our Catholic Faith
This story confirms how powerful Saint Joseph is to help us in our material needs. So, let’s ask, and ask, and not just for our material needs either.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, Saints & Heroes, Living the Christian Life, Our Catholic Faith
Abbé Francis Trochu, in his book, The Cure D’Ars, relates a story of a young lady who, sought Saint John Vianney, for a general confession.
Saints & Heroes, Our Catholic Faith
A small collection of short stories from Padre Pio highlighting the importance of praying for and offering Masses for the souls in Purgatory.
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