Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Mother Mary, Our Catholic Faith
A mysterious star had appeared, shepherds spoke of an angel in the night, and of a royal babe in a manger, kings from the East.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, Educational, Saints & Heroes, Our Catholic Faith
There are those who imagine they are slighting the Son by honoring the Mother. They fear that by exalting Mary they are belittling Jesus.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, Miracles, Saints & Heroes
In the time of Saint Catherine of Siena there was a famine, and most people were obliged to buy long stored wheat.
One day, when Saint Mechtilde was praying and trying to think of some way in which she could express her love of the Blessed Mother.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, Saints & Heroes, Living the Christian Life, Our Catholic Faith
Abbé Francis Trochu, in his book, The Cure D’Ars, relates a story of a young lady who, sought Saint John Vianney, for a general confession.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, Miracles
In 1830, Our Lady appeared to St. Catherine Labouré and entrusted her to have the Miraculous medal made. Here are some documented Miracles attributed to it.
Our Blessed Mother Mary
In the book, City of God, Maria of Agreda, a nun and mystic, writes the life of the Blessed Mother, as shown her in visions and relates wonderful details.
This true story illustrates how a picture can change the heart of a sinner and covert them back to God on their death bed.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, The Holy Rosary, Miracles
Stories of Mary 17: The Marvels of the Rosary and the blessing our Lady bestows on those that not only pray, but wear a Rosary.
Our Blessed Mother Mary, Educational
Stories of Mary 16: A story related by Cesarius, and by Father Rho; on how great Our Lady's kindness is towards sinners.
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